“Naseer is a flexible and dedicated tutor, who will work with your specific learning style to ensure you see real progress. While tutoring me in the math portion of the ACT, Naseer clearly explained ideas and helped to make sure I was actually understanding the concepts instead of just memorizing them. Naseer’s efforts helped me feel more comfortable and prepared going into the ACT, and I ended up with a score good enough that it led me to a full ride to college.”

— Maya, student

“When I began with Naseer Naseem, my goal was to increase my score range and jump several points. He constantly was providing new skills and options to approach the test in ways I’d never have thought of. He catered to my individual academic needs and every time we met, I saw how he personalized the lessons specifically to me; never did I once feel as if I was receiving a standard tutoring session. He provided the most recent tests to practice with and not only did he have an answer to every single one of my questions, he also had multiple ways to explain it. As I progressed through testing, I found myself attempting to get those meticulous points that would earn me that score of one point higher. His team knew exactly where to look in order to fill the tiny gaps I needed to address and they worked with me on several different strategies I could use to approach the test in order to see that point-difference. It didn’t matter what subject I was struggling with, their expertise was at the same level for each. I was constantly uplifted and positively motivated by them when preparing for the exam, something that truly aided my testing experience. His team wanted me to reach my goal just as much as I did; I felt as if I had support academically and relationally. Whether you’re aiming to gain 10 points or increase your score by that one difficult point, I am confident in saying that you can depend on Naseer and your results will be a true representation of your tutoring experience with him”

— Emma, student

“When I was in high school and taking the ACT, I was having no luck trying to study for it on my own. After having tutored with Naseer, my score improved by 6 points. Naseer is concerned with what you personally need to work on when it comes to the different sections of the ACT, and provides many different ways and strategies to improve your performance in those areas. I credit much of my success on the ACT to the time I spent tutoring with Naseer.”

— Brooks, student